Spaced (Series 2 episode 5)
- Edgar Wright - finding visual hour through framing, camera movement, editing, goofy sound effects and music.
- Temporal relation - showing the protagonist thinking about playing video games all night until morning - he was sat in the same position but we could tell time was passing as it started off dark and gradually got lighter till morning. This was also accompanied by sound effects such as birds to symbolise it was early morning.
- Repetitive shot used for the montage to show that the characters were drinking a lot as the night was going on. Birds eye angle of the drinks being placed on the table which was accompanied by the two characters laughing and progressively getting more and more drunk, which is when we went back to the birds eye shot of the drinks.
- The low angle looking up at characters was used a couple of times to show their status/power such as when the main protagonist runs into a group of youths. To show that he was scared of them the low angle was used to show that they are bigger than him and could fight him.
- Dolly counter zoom & low angle was used to introduce some of the characters and to show there was tension between two or more people in the scene.
- Flashbacks to show the story between two characters- helps to inform the viewer why they've got tension without dialogue.
- Whip pan used to change the scenes - smoother motion when a scene finishes.
- Use of Shot Reverse Shot to help show the audience if a character has identification with an object or a person.
- Slow motion and quick editing of shots for the fake gun fight scenes, which was also accompanied by a dramatic sound track to make the fight seem more intense than it actually was. There was rhythmic relation between the shot and the action that was happening within the scene.
- Montage was useful as it cut out the parts that weren't necessary to the show to make it more punchy and entertaining to watch.
- Non-linear narrative as the story started off with how the main protagonist and his friend ended the night and then we suddenly jumped 6 hours before and were told how they ended up in that situation. Also there were many flashbacks used within the show to aid the storyline and the audience's understanding of the characters.
- Influences from different films within the show - Music played when the people were having a fake gun fight scene was Platoon. Also references to The Shining when they're sat outside the house.
- Diegetic and non-diegetic sounds. Within the fake gun fight scenes, the actors started off making their own sound effects for the guns and as the fights progressed this changed and sound effects of real guns were added over the top of the video.
- When the characters were talking about the plan for the night - this was done by using still photographs which was then accompanied by the narration of the night by the actors.
- When the coin was thrown up to decide what was happening on the night we didn't see the coin land all we saw was the money being slammed onto the bar - which tells the audience that the main protagonist won the coin flip without having any dialogue or having to watch the coin land.
- Dramatic music was used to create tension in areas that wouldn't necessarily need it - such as the meeting of the youth in the toilets and when the man picks up the keys off the table when the main characters leave the pub. This is usually accompanied by low key lighting to add effect.
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